Short Call
Selling the call obligates you to sell stock at strike price A if the option is assigned. When running this strategy, you want the call you sell to expire worthless. That’s why most investors sell out-of-the-money options ..

Short Put
Selling the put obligates you to buy stock at strike price A if the option is assigned. When selling puts with no intention of buying the stock, you want the puts you sell to expire worthless. This strategy has a low profit potential if the stock remains above strike A at expiration...

Short Straddle
A short straddle gives you the obligation to sell the stock at strike price A and the obligation to buy the stock at strike price A if the options are assigned. By selling two options, you significantly increase the income you would have achieved from selling a put or a call alone...

Short Strangle
A short strangle gives you the obligation to buy the stock at strike price A and the obligation to sell the stock at strike price B if the options are assigned. You are predicting the stock price will remain somewhere between strike A and strike B, and the options you sell will expire worthless...

Long Combination
Buying the call gives you the right to buy the stock at strike price A. Selling the put obligates you to buy the stock at strike price A if the option is assigned. This strategy is often referred to as “synthetic long stock” because the risk / reward profile is nearly identical to long stock...

Short Combination
Buying the put gives you the right to sell the stock at strike price A. Selling the call obligates you to sell the stock at strike price A if the option is assigned. This strategy is often referred to as “synthetic short stock” because the risk / reward profile is nearly identical to short stock.

Front Spread w/Calls
Buying the call gives you the right to buy stock at strike price A. Selling the two calls gives you the obligation to sell stock at strike price B if the options are assigned. This strategy enables you to purchase a call that is at-the-money or slightly out-of-the-money without paying full price.

Front Spread w/Puts
Buying the put gives you the right to sell stock at strike price B. Selling the two puts gives you the obligation to buy stock at strike price A if the options are assigned. This strategy enables you to purchase a putth at is at-the-money or slightly out-of-the-money without paying full price.

Double Diagonal
At the outset of this strategy, you’re simultaneously running a diagonal call spread and a diagonal put spread . Both of those strategies are time-decay plays. You’re taking advantage of the fact that the time value of the front-month options decay at a more accelerated rate than the back-month options...